Why Extract Wisdom Teeth?

First, what is a wisdom tooth? A wisdom tooth is an adult tooth that erupts (comes up through the gums) in the mid-teen years. Normally, there are four wisdom teeth, one in each quadrant of the mouth: upper right, lower right, upper left, and lower left. The wisdom...

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Sensitive teeth? Like hard bristles?

Last time I discussed correct brushing and showed a photo of the type of toothbrush abrasion dentists see all day. Here are before and after photos of toothbrush abrasion that was very sensitive and our restoration.Before:After:Last time I discussed correct brushing...

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Brush up on brushing

By this time, toothbrushing is so mundane that you don’t know how you’re doing it or for how long, much less how effective your technique is. Maybe your only reasons for brushing are to freshen your breath and because you were told to do it ever since you can...

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How Cavities Form

Cavities are holes in our teeth that are created by acid. The acid in our mouths is created by the bacteria that live in our mouths.  We are not born with oral bacteria;  we pick them up as soon as we are born.  Generally, mothers, because of their close contact with...

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Facts about Fluoride

Hello to a special population who take interest in and ownership of their own oral health.  To those in this world who trust the pure and beautiful thing that is science (ie, testing theories to confirm truth), I salute you!  For those who still fear or mistrust...

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The Sweet Life of a Tooth

Just about the time when a woman starts to wonder if she might be pregnant, around 6 weeks into the pregnancy, primary teeth, (aka baby) teeth begin to form.  Incredibly, by the 10th week, the permanent teeth begin to form. Developing teeth form into four lobes, which...

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Monday – Thursday
8am – 5pm

Cook Family Dentistry follows the inclement weather schedule of the Auburn School District.

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